Explore Africa in Style

Request a Booking

Whether you're at the stage of booking an Ecotrail Adventures safari, considering it, or just starting to explore the idea, you've landed on the right page! We'd be delighted to answer any questions you have, but first, let us anticipate some of the most common ones:

What are the different ways to safari with Ecotrail Adventures?

There are three options. You can choose a scheduled departure and join a small group for an Ecotrail Classic Safari, or make it a private departure for your group with an Ecotrail Private Classic Safari. Alternatively, for a truly bespoke experience tailored to your schedule and preferences, we offer the Ecotrail Custom Safari.

Will I get the chance to ask my questions?
Absolutely! But before we dive in, please provide us with a few essential details below, so we can best assist you.

Thank you in advance for sharing this information with us. Once you submit your request, our team of Ecotrail Adventures Specialists will receive it and get back to you promptly.

Request a Booking
Which country are you interested in traveling to?
Have you travelled with us before?
Are there any children travelling in your group?